CRM Integration sync cycles will run on a recurring interval based on the Update Frequency setting under Settings > Integration Settings > Integration Parameters. The value can be adjusted to run every 30, 45 or 60 minutes. If a longer interval is required, then users can select every 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 hours.
Having a quicker interval (default = 30 minutes) means that you will have data updated more frequently and more real-time synchronization of data. If Salesforce restricts or has imposed limits on the number of API calls that your organization can make on a daily basis, then eTrigue users may want to choose a less frequent update interval.
Note - While syncs are set to run based on your configured frequency, it does not necessarily mean that the updates will complete in the same interval. Various factors may influence when you will see records updated including, but not limited to:
- The total of amount of data exchanging between eTrigue and your CRM system. For example, if your entire Salesforce database is updated, then you may not see all data in eTrigue until one or two sync cycles.
- Traffic on the CRM side
- Time of day
- API calls allowed by your CRM
- CRM indexing of their own databases
As a result, some syncs may complete within a single interval while others may require a few intervals.