- Go to Campaigns > Campaigns.
Using the Campaign Explorer, select the folder that contains your campaign.
In the listing of campaigns within the folder, double-click on the name of the campaign that you would like to edit to open it.
Note: To select multiple campaigns within the same folder, hold the CTRL key and click on the names of the campaigns that you would like to select. -
Click Edit Selected Campaigns at the top of the listing, and all selected campaigns will open in the Campaign Builder.
- If necessary, use the Pause button to pause any campaign that has a Scheduled or Started status. Note that campaigns can only be edited if they have a status of Draft, Paused, or Testing.
- Make changes to the campaign(s) as desired using the tools and Actions in the Campaign Builder.
- When finished, click Save Changes for each modified campaign to preserve your changes.
- To resume a paused campaign, click on the Start button. As long as the End Date/Time has not been reached, the status of the campaign will change from Paused to Started. (If the Start Date/Time has not yet been reached, then the status of the campaign will change from Paused to Scheduled).
Note - Audience members will resume the campaign from whichever Action that they left off on when the campaign was paused. Any new members added to the campaign will begin from the Start Action.
- To permanently end a campaign before the End Date/Time has been reached, click on the End button. Campaigns that have been ended cannot be restarted or resumed (but they can be cloned).