Relationship Score sets parameters to define whether a prospect is Hot, Warm, or Cold. The Relationship Score is based on a combination of a prospect's cumulative Page Count, Length of Stay, and Visit Count during their entire lifetime as a prospect in your database.
When a prospect meets the minimum activity for a parameter, the prospect receives the full importance value for that parameter. The importance values added together make up the overall Relationship Score.
Values for the overall Relationship score can be:
- HOT - total importance value is 90 - 100
- WARM - total importance value is 33 - 89
- COLD - total importance value is 0 - 32
For example, if the Relationship Score was set as:
Page Count: Minimum Activity = 5 Pages | Importance Value = 20
Length of Stay: Minimum Activity = 90 Seconds | Importance Value =70
Visit Count: Minimum Activity = 2 Visits | Importance Value =10
Then a prospect with a cumulative activity history of 7 pages viewed, a total length of stay of 45 seconds, and 3 visits will receive a total importance of 30 (20 from Page Count, 10 from Visit Count). This means that the prospect has a Cold Relationship Score.
To set up the Relationship Score:
- Go to Settings > Prospect Settings > Prospect Scores > Relationship Score.
- Set the Minimum Activity values for Page Count, Length of Stay, and Visit Count by entering the desired numerical value within the boxes.
- Set the Importance Value for Page Count, Length of Stay, and Visit Count. Each parameter must have a minimum of 1 and the sum of all 3 parameters must equal 100.
- Click Save when finished.