To delete DemandCenter Assets or Folders from DemandCenter's Explorers:
- Navigate to the respective DemandCenter Explorer, for which you would like to delete an asset or folder:
- For Lists, go to Prospects > Explore Lists.
- For Campaigns, go to Campaigns > Explore Campaigns.
- For Email Templates, go to Assets > Explore Email Templates.
- For Landing Pages, go to Assets > Explore Landing Pages.
- For Forms, go to Assets > Explore Forms.
- On the left, use the Folders navigation tree to locate the folder that contains the assets or folders that you would like to delete.
- Click on the folder. This will reveal its contents in the MAIN Explorer View. In the example screenshot below, the target that we are deleting is the folder called "Trash Folder". As a result, we will need to select the parent folder called "Email Templates".
- In the Main Explorer View, click the Delete
icon next to each asset or folder that you would like to delete. The row will be highlighted (in PINK) to indicate it is marked for deletion. If you do not see your desired item that you would like to delete, go back to Step 2 to locate its parent folder.
- After you have marked all items that you would like to delete, click the Save button. A confirm dialog will appear.
- When the confirmation dialog appears, click OK to finalize the delete process. The marked assets and folders (along with their contents) will be deleted from DemandCenter.