What are Nicknames?
All pages identified by eTrigue Tracking code will be assigned a Nickname. Nicknames are assigned so that your eTrigue Users can easily recognize the visited pages that are presented in alerts, reports, Prospect Activity History, and other places throughout eTrigue. This simplifies reporting and will allow your users to quickly review which pages a prospect has visited.
How are Nicknames assigned? Can I change them?
By default, when a page that contains eTrigue tracking code is visited and reported to eTrigue for the very first time, the page's <title> value will be assigned as the Nickname for that page. If a <title> value is not present in the HTML of the page, then the URL of the page will be assigned as the Nickname instead.
Please note that if a <title> value is later added to the HTML code of the page, eTrigue tracking will NOT retroactively update the already assigned Nickname.
However, you will be able to update existing Nicknames by editing the page entry in Activity Scoring. You may also use ongoing Activity Score Rules to automatically assign Nicknames to new tracked pages that eTrigue collects over time.