Prompt Retry
Prompt Retry specifies the number of times that a Dynamic Progressive Form Action will be presented to a single requesting visitor before it stops displaying to that requester and moves the Prospect to the next action in the Progressive Form Flow. You can configure your form to retry a maximum of 10 times.
Each time a Prospect is presented a prompt from a Form Action in a Dynamic Progressive Form, the system tallies the prompt for that visitor and that specific Form Action. With each prompt, the Prospect may choose to fill in the fields and submit the form, or abandon the prompt altogether (either by closing the window without submission, or by clicking the "Cancel" button on the form). If the Prospect repeatedly abandons a prompt for the same Form Action, and accumulates a number of abandons on the Form Action equal to the Prompt Retry amount specified in the Form's Start Action, then, the next time the Prospect triggers the same Form Action, the prompt will not show, and the Prospect will proceed through the Progressive Form Flow:
- IF the Prospect qualifies for a Form Action further down in the Progressive Form Flow, then the appropriate prompt for that Action will be displayed
- IF the Prospect does not qualify for a Form Action further down in the Progressive Form Flow, then the Prospect will be allowed ongoing, unrestricted access to the content that is protected by the form.
To learn how to create a new eTrigue Dynamic Progressive Form, click here.
To learn how to protect web-links with an eTrigue Dynamic Progressive Form, click here.
To learn how to pause and disable an active eTrigue Dynamic Progressive Form, click here.
To learn how to edit the settings of an existing eTrigue Dynamic Progressive Form, click here.