Note - If you do not use the methods below to completely remove all of the related form code, conflicts and submission issues may occur if another form is added to the page at a later time.
- Edit your Landing Page Template.
- Click the HTML button. The top-left most icon in the editor.
- In the HTML view, search for code that looks similar to this:
<form action="" id="etrReg" method="post" name="etrReg"><input name="espForm ID" type="hidden" value=" "/>
- REMOVE ALL FORM HTML, starting with the snippet of code mentioned above and ending with the closing </form> tag. Refer to below for sample form code that would appear on your landing page. All of the below should be removed.
<form action="" id="etrReg" method="post" name="etrReg"><input name="espForm ID" type="hidden" value=" "/>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<td valign="top">E-mail:*</td>
<td valign="top"><input name="x_emailaddress" maxlength="250" value="" size="25" type="text" /></td></tr>
<td valign="top">First Name:*</td>
<td valign="top"><input name="x_firstname" maxlength="100" value="" size="25" type="text" /></td></tr>
<td valign="top">Last Name:*</td>
<td valign="top"><input name="x_lastname" maxlength="100" value="" size="25" type="text" /></td></tr>
<tr> </td>
<td class="normal"><input class="button" id="etrSubmit" onclick="etr_submit();" type="button" value="submit"
/> <small> *Indicates a Required Field</small></td>
Start by locating <script type="text/javascript">. It should be paired with a closing closing </script> tag.
Remove the script tags and all code in between it. Refer to below for sample JavaScript that would appear on your landing page. All of the below should be removed.
<script type="text/javascript">
var etr_sb=document.getElementsById ("etrSubmit"); function etr_ls (a) var b=document.getElementsByTagName ("head") [0], c=document.createElement ("script");c.src=a;
function etr_submit () {var err=false;msg="The following errors were found:\n\n";
if(isEmpty(document.etrReg.x_emailaddress.value)) {er=true;ready=false;eMsg=eMsg+'-E-mail is Required.\n';}
if(isEmpty(document.etrReg.x_emailaddress.value)||!isEmailValid(document.etrReg.x_emailaddress.value)){er=true;ready=false;eMsg=eMsg+'-Email Address is Invalid.\n';}
if(isEmpty(document.etrReg.x_firstname.value)) {er=true;ready=false;eMsg=eMsg+'-First Name is Required.\n';}
if(isEmpty(document.etrReg.x_lastname.value)) {er=true;ready=false;eMsg=eMsg+'-Last Name is Required.\n';}
if(err==true){alert(msg);}else{var etrigueForm=new EtrigueForm(1090);etr_sb.disabled=true;etrigueFormSuccess=false;
function etr_trim(a){a=a.replace(/^\s+/,"");for(var b=a.length-1;b>=0;b--){if(/\S/.test(a.charAt(b)))
{a=a.substring(0,b+1);break}}return a;}function etr_empty(a){return a?(a=etr_trim(a),0===a.length):!0;}function
etr_valid(a){var b=/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*\@([a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9\_-]*\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/;return
b.test(a)?!0:!1;}function etr_isint(a){return parseFloat(a)!=parseInt(a)||isNaN(a)?!1:!0;}function etr_ischkd(a){var
i,b=document.getElementsByName(a);for(i=0;i<b.length;i++){if(b[i].checked){return true;}}}
</script> - Repeat Steps 2-6 until all occurrences of eTrigue form code and Validation JavaScript have been removed.
- When finished, click Save.