A new DemandCenter Source can be created using one of the following methods:
Via Manual Creation
To manually create a new Source:
- Go to Settings > Prospect Settings > Prospect Sources.
- Click the New Source button.
- Under Score, provide a Score value that is assigned to current and future prospects entering this Source. The new score must range from -100 to 100.
- Under Source, click on the Edit
icon to provide the name of the Source and hit the enter key when finished.
Note: We recommend that the Source name clearly reflects the origin of the prospects to whom it will be assigned. For example, a Source name for a group of prospects that were all attendees of the Tradeshow XYZ September 2010, might be "LIST-TradeshowXYZAttendees_Sept_2010." - Click Save Changes to retain your changes.
Via List Import
When importing a list, you are required to provide a Source value for every record in the list. As the import is processed, DemandCenter will check the Sources in your list for corresponding matching Sources in the database. If the system encounters a Source that does not not have a matching equivalent, a new Source will automatically be created using the exact name provided in your list.