Partner Custom Assets allows partners to upload or share their custom content with their sponsors. In turn, Sponsors can feature these assets within their focused email messages and landing pages. Once an asset is uploaded, the asset can be assessed through Merge Tags within eTrigue's Drag and Drop builders.
The process is in three parts:
- The sponsor begins by providing labels and descriptions of the assets that they want their partners to upload. Typically, sponsors will have specific messaging and types of assets in mind, so labels and descriptions should align with their overall goals.
- The partner uploads or shares their assets within their Settings page.
- With the assets uploaded, the sponsor designs email messages and landing pages that include the assets. The custom asset's attributes are accessible through Merge Tags.
- Optional: In the event that partners are missing assets or have not uploaded their own assets, sponsors can upload default assets. These default assets would then be used as a back-up solution.
Part 1: Defines labels and descriptions of assets
Go to Partners > Custom Assets. This page will list all asset labels and descriptions for your account. It is important to note that the labels and descriptions are not customer facing. The information displayed on this page is for your internal reference.
The goal is to provide a label and description of each asset so that partners have a sense of what you would like them to upload. Each partner can upload as many assets that you have provided on this page.
How to Manage the Labels and Descriptions
To add a new label and description, click the '+' icon. When prompted, provide a label and description for your asset, then click Save.
To modify an existing label and description, click the pencil icon.
To delete an entry, click the garbage can icon.
Part 2: Partners upload their custom assets
Partners will upload or share their custom assets by logging into their eTrigue account. Partners can find their Custom Asset library by going logging into eTrigue and going to Settings > Custom Assets.
How to Upload or Share an Asset
To upload or share a new asset, click the '+' icon. When prompted, provide the following information:
Uploading an asset | Sharing a link:
Choose Uploading an asset if you are uploading an asset to eTrigue, such as a PDF. In many cases, partners will typically upload a physical file such as a PDF or infographic.
Choose Sharing a link if your asset is hosted on another webpage. For example, sharing a video that lives on a 3rd party video platform (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo).
Title: Provide a name for your asset.
Type: Use the drop-down menu to choose from a list of types that best matches what the asset is. The drop-down includes a set of common types, but users can add their own custom types by clicking on Manage Asset Types within their Custom Assets Library.
Description: Provide a brief abstract or description that describes your asset.
PS Content: Provide a PS or footer line that could be used at the end of an email signature or web page. You can include a link to your file or something else entirely.
Button Text: Provide the text that appears on this asset’s button or link. (e.g. Download, Read Me, View).
Upload Asset: (Uploading an asset only) Drag and drop your file to the selected area to upload your asset. Alternatively, you can click browse to select your file to choose a file from your computer. The maximum file size is 10MB and many file extensions are supported.
Link: (Sharing a link only) Provide the full URL or link to your asset. This must include the protocol (http:// or https://).
Uploading an image for your asset's thumbnail
Under Thumbnail, provide an image file to be used as a thumbnail for your asset.
It is recommended that the minimum size be no smaller than 900 x 50 pixels.
When prompted, use the crop tool to select the area of your image that will be used as your thumbnail. After an image has been selected, eTrigue will automatically create 4 thumbnail sizes for later usage:
- Small (200 x 120 px)
- Medium (300 x 210 px)
- Large (500 x 300)
- Extra Large (900 x 540 px)
When finished, click Save to upload your asset.
Part 3: Create or design Email Messages and Landing Pages that reference the Custom Assets
Within the Email Message Builder and Landing Page Builder, users can access any asset's attribute by using its appropriate Merge Tag. There are several ways to access the merge tags:
Copy to Clipboard via Merge Tag Helper Menu
Users can copy an asset's attribute directly to their clipboard through our Merge Tag helper menu, located towards the top of the builder under Merge Tags.
Click on Merge Tags to reveal a sub-menu, navigate the menu to find the asset in question, and then click on the attribute. Upon clicking on the attribute, the merge tag will copied to your clipboard.
Direct Insertion via Paragraph Content Block
When working with a Paragraph Content Block, the text toolbar is revealed.
Click on Merge Tags, then choose Custom Asset Merge Tag.
Locate the asset's attribute and click on it insert it directly into your email message or landing page.
Here is an example -- suppose you wanted to reference the asset's "button text" on a button you have added to your email.
1. Drag and drop a button to your email message or landing page. If it is an existing template, locate your button that you would like to update. | |
2. With your mouse, highlight the text on your button. | |
3. In the grey toolbar that appears, click Merge Tags, then on the next window, choose Custom Asset Merge Tag. Select your asset, then click on Asset Button Text. |
4. The tag will be inserted onto the button. When an email is sent or the landing page is viewed, the merge tag will be replaced with the text associated with the asset. |
Direct Insertion via Special Links
In certain situations, you will see Special Links which allows you to insert an asset's link directly. This mostly applies to when you want to link images or buttons.
Click Special Links, then choose Custom Asset and then the name of the asset from which the link you want to insert.
After choosing your specified asset, the merge tag for you link will insert directly into the URL field.
(Optional) Part 4: Sponsors upload default assets
In the event that partners do not have their assets uploaded, sponsors can upload default assets which act like backup assets.
An analogy would be substitute players on a sports team. If a starter player is unable to play during a game, then the substitute player would substitute for the starter.
Using the analogy above, if a partner's assets are missing, then the sponsor's default assets would fill in for the missing assets.
How to Configure Default Assets for your eTrigue Account
Default Assets are controlled by Default Asset Groups. A group is a collection of assets that can be used as an alternative source of assets when partners are missing assets of their own. To begin, add a new group and then provide all assets for that group. Next, assign partners to a Default Assets Group that applies to them.
- Go to Partners > Custom Assets.
- Using the side navigation, click Default Asset Groups.
- Click Add New Default Asset Group. When prompted, provide a name and description for this group. The chosen name and group are meant to help users identify the group in your application when referenced.
- Upload the assets that should be used for this and only this Default Asset Group. The steps are uploading assets are the same as described during Part 2.
- When finished with uploading applicable assets, the next step is to assign partners to a Default Asset Group. Click Default Asset Group using the side navigation.
- Under the Assigned Partners column, click Assign Partners for the Default Asset Group that you would like partners to be assigned to.
- In the Assigned Partners window, assign all partners that should reference this group's default assets.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I update or delete an asset?
To update previously uploaded asset attributes, click the pencil icon next to the asset when viewing a list of assets. To delete an asset, click the garbage can icon instead.
What happens if a partner is missing an asset and their assigned Default Asset Group is also missing the same asset in that asset position?
The email or landing page that references that asset will show an empty space.
How are the asset positions related to each other?
When a partner uploads assets, the asset is uploaded into a spot indicated by the listing. When an email or landing page template references an asset's position's number, such as [[asset_title7]], then that corresponding asset will be retrieved.
If the partner has not uploaded an asset for that position, then eTrigue checks to see if any asset exists in the same position of the default asset group assigned to the partner.