Your DemandCenter's generated form code is correctlyimplementedon your web page.
You do not have previous form code or duplicate validation <script> code on your page. If so, make sure all previous code has been completely removed.
Example Screenshot: The screen below shows a landing page that contains multiple sets of JavaScript Validation code for eTrigue forms. One of the sets were left there from a previously inserted form.
Search DemandCenter for the unique test record that you used in step 2.
If NO - See 2b, above. Modify the code accordingly of the form until you are able to successfully submit a test record and find it in DemandCenter.
Check the Details tab and confirm that the submitted field data from the form appears in the appropriate fields in DemandCenter. Are the fields correctly populated?
If YES - proceed to the next step
If NO -
Check the code of the page and make sure the code is correctly implemented.
Repeat steps 1-4 until the field data appears correct.
Check the Activity tab for a Form Fill entry in the Activity timeline that corresponds with your test submit.
Do you see a corresponding Form Fill entry?
If YES - proceed to the next step
If NO -
Check the test Prospect's Date Added field and confirm that the test record you are viewing was created on the date and time that you submitted the form. If not, repeat steps 1-4, using data for a unique test record that does not already exist in your DemandCenter database.
Repeat step 1-5, above, and confirm that the form successfully processes and submits after clicking the Submit button. If you have configured the form to Redirect (i.e. direct to a confirmation page), confirm that you are directed to the appropriate page after submit. If you did not choose to Redirect, you may wish to configure this option now, so that you have a clear of when the form has completed processing.
If you have configured the form to Redirect (i.e. direct to a confirmation page), check the Activity tab for a Visit entry that corresponds with visiting the confirmation page after your test submit.
Do you see a corresponding Visit entry?
If YES - proceed to the next step
If NO - Check the code of the initial form page and the form confirmation page, and make sure that both pages include eTrigue Tracking Code. Repeat steps 1-6 to until your activity on the confirmation page is appropriately tracked.
If you answered YES to all of the above, then your form appears to be properly implemented and submitting data to your DemandCenter database.