The DemandCenter email editor does not currently support adding attachments to emails. Including attachments in emails is not recommended due to the following reasons:
Attachments increase the overall size of the email which can negatively affect system performance and email deliverability.
Spam filters may flag emails with attachments as being suspicious which can also have a negative impact on email deliverability.
When an attachment is opened from an email, prospects will not be cookied for ongoing visitor tracking. Also, opening the attachment will not count as an asset download.
Prospects may not have the appropriate software needed to open attachments.
To ensure that you are getting the most out of DemandCenter's tracking capabilities, we recommend directing prospects to a landing page or a page on your website that contains a link to the PDF. Doing so will enable you to cookie prospects for known visitor tracking when prospects visit the page, and asset downloads will be recorded when prospects access the PDF.