eTrigue currently does not support streaming or hosting video from DemandCenter. Videos may be hosted on other video platforms (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, etc.).
If you plan to send your prospects to a page with a video however, most video platforms can generate embed code for your videos. This code can then be incorporated into the HTML code for your DemandCenter Landing Page.
While it is possible to place the embed code into an email template as well, it is not recommended for the following reasons:
- Not supported by email clients - Many email clients choose do disable videos for security purposes. Clients may also do not support a built-in feature to view videos directly from the inbox.
- Embedded videos are spam flags. Emails that contain embedded code (even if it is just a video) can be identified as malicious content or phishing by spam and security software/hardware.
- Limited Tracking. You won’t be able to cookie your prospects for ongoing visitor tracking if you provide direct access to the video within your email. By sending visitors to a page, you can cookie and track the amount of time they spent watching your video.