Under the Form tab, manage the fields that you would like to include on your Standard Form.
Add fields: The list of fields (includes both standard and custom) to choose from can be found on the right-hand side of the page under Available Fields.
Tip: Use the Find a field text box to enter the name of the field that you are looking for quickly and easily. Alternatively, you can scroll down the page to locate the field that you would like to add to your form.
Once you have located your desired field, double-click on the name of the field or drag and drop the field to the center of the page to add it to the form.
Repeat to add all desired fields to the form.
Make a field required: Click on the asterisk symbol on the right to make a field required. This means that prospects must provide information for that field in order to submit the form.
Note: The fields that you choose for duplicate matching will be automatically required. These fields cannot be removed.
Remove fields: Click on the symbol on the right to remove a field from the form. Repeat for all fields that should be removed.
Note: Removing fields from your form in DemandCenter will not cause the fields to disappear from web pages where the form code has been added. To remove the fields from your web pages, you will need to modify the HTML code and JavaScript of the form. Please consult your web administrator for more help if needed.
Change the order of the fields: Drag the field(s) up and down to rearrange the order in which they will appear on the form.
Under the Rules tab, configure the behavior that will be applied against prospects that complete the form.
Match prospects - Compare email only (recommended): A new prospect record will be created only if an existing prospect is not found with the EXACT same email address. Other field data will not be considered.
- Compare email, first name and last name: A new prospect record will be created if an existing prospect is not found with the EXACT same data for ALL three fields: Email, First Name, and Last Name.
Note: Capitalization and punctuation differences will be considered different data and will cause a new prospect to be created.
Assign Source: Click + Select Source. In the Select Source dialog box that appears, double-click on the name of the source that is to be assigned to NEW prospects entering the database from the form. Click OK when finished.
Note: Existing prospects that fill out the form will remain assigned to their original Source, but their Last Source will be updated to reflect the form submission.
Assign Prospect Owner: Click + Add Prospect Owner. In the Select Owner(s) dialog box that appears, double-click on the name(s) of the user(s) that should be assigned ownership of any NEW prospects entering the database from the form. Click OK when finished.
Note: Existing prospects that fill out the form will remain assigned to their original Prospect Owner.
If a single user is selected as the Prospect Owner, then this user will own every NEW prospect that fills out the form.
If multiple users are selected as the owners, then ownership of NEW prospects will be assigned in a round robin fashion. This means that NEW prospects will be assigned to different users on a rotating basis by ascending order of the user's last name.
Assign Categories (optional): Click + Add Categories Select. In the Select Categories dialog box that appears, double-click on the name of the category or categories that should be assigned to all prospects that submit the form. Click OK when finished.
Under the Actions tab, configure what will happen to prospects after they have completed the form.
Redirect Prospect (optional): Check this box if you would like prospects to be directed to an alternate page upon completing a form.
In the text box provided, input the URL for the web page that prospects should automatically be sent to after they submit the form (e.g. a thank you page or a confirmation page).
Note: If you would like to make the submitted form data available for use on a dynamic web page that follows the form, then check the box next to Re-post submitted form data to the redirect page.
Send Email to Prospect (optional): Check this box if you would like to send an automated response email to any prospects that submit the form.
Under Use Email Template, click + Select Email Template. In the Select Email Template dialog box that appears, locate the Email Template that you would like to use and double-click on its name to select it. Click OK when finished.
Next, under Send Email From, click + Select Sender and in the dialog box that appears, double-click on the name of the user that you would like the email to be sent from. Click OK when finished.
Add Prospect to Campaign (recommended): Check this box to automatically send all prospects that fill out the form into a campaign of your choosing. As a result, prospects will immediately be evaluated as members of the campaign and participate in the flows and actions according to the campaign design.
Note: If the prospect was already a member of the associated campaign, then their original progress will not be affected, and they will continue in the campaign according to the campaign setup. Under Campaign, hover your mouse over the more button and select from the following:
- Select Existing Campaign: Choosing this option will cause the Select Campaign dialog box to appear which will allow you to select an existing campaign in your account to associate the form to. Locate and double-click on the name of the campaign that you would like to associate the form to. Click OK when finished.
- Create New Campaign: Choosing this option will cause the Create a New Campaign dialog box to appear which will allow you to create a new campaign to associate the form to. Under Campaign Name, enter the name of the new campaign that you wish to create. Under Campaign Folder, click on the folder icon to locate the folder that you wish to save the new campaign in and click on the name of the folder to select it. Click OK when finished and click OK again to create the new campaign.
When finished, a new campaign will be created with the name and location specified. It will have the following default settings:
Start Immediately
Run Indefinitely
Status = Started
Target Audience = No lists selected
Send Alert: Check this box if you would like a Real-time Alert to be sent to yourself and/or other team members immediately upon a form submission.
Under Alert Recipients, click + Add Recipients. In the Select User(s) to Alert dialog box that appears, double-click on the name(s) of the user(s) you wish to send the alert to. Click OK when finished.
Under Use Real-time Alert Template, click + Select Alert Template. In the Select Template to Use dialog box, click on the name of the template that you wish to use. If you have not created any custom templates of your own, then the only template available to choose from would be the Default Lead Alert Template. To learn how to create a Real-time Alert Template, click here.
Under Properties on the right-hand side of the page, configure the following to save the form:
Name: Provide a name for your form in the text box provided.
Folder: Click on the folder icon to locate the folder that you wish to save the form in and click on the name of the folder to select it. Click OK when finished.
Click Save to create the new form when all the settings for your form have been configured.