Under My Account, click Edit My Account. You will be taken to the Edit My Account screen for your User Account.
Next to the fields provided, update your account information, as needed. At a minimum, the following fields must must be provided for every User:
First Name
Last Name
Alert/Notification Email: DemandCenter will send notifications, alerts, temporary passwords, and support ticket updates to the email address specified here.
Signature Email: DemandCenter will use this email address as the sender for any and all outbound email messages configured to send on behalf of this user.
CRM User Name: This should be same credential used by the user to login into the eTrigue-integrated CRM system. A given CRM User Name may not be assigned to more than one DemandCenter User, per account. The CRM User Name associated with each DemandCenter user will be used to identify the appropriate DemandCenter User when CRM Owner is selected as the sender of an Email Action. A CRM User Name is required for any user that will be using the eTrigue SalesPro application in Salesforce.