eTrigue features a robust integration with Zapier that you can use to connect many apps with eTrigue. Below are the steps to setup an outgoing integration that allows eTrigue to send data TO another application via Zapier.
Part 1: Enable Zapier in eTrigue (global eTrigue settings)
- Log into your eTrigue account.
- Go to Settings > Integration Settings > Zapier Integration.
- Click Generate Key Now.
- Under Owner of Incoming Prospects, select the user that should own prospects.
Your outgoing integration will not involve this user, but you must select one for initial setup processes.
- Under Source for Incoming Prospects, select the source that should be assigned to new incoming prospects.
Your outgoing integration will not involve this source, but you must select one for initial setup processes.
- Click Save.
Part 2: Setup Partner Outgoing Integration Settings in eTrigue
- Log into your eTrigue account.
- Go to Partners. Next, open your partner then go to Settings > Integration.
- Under Source for Incoming Prospects, select the source that should be assigned to new incoming prospects.
Your outgoing integration will not involve this source, but you must select one for initial setup processes.
- Click Generate Key Now.
- Click Save.
- Keep this page open because you will need to input to the Account and Authentication Key when prompted by your Zapier account later on during setup.
IMPORTANT: At this moment, do NOT check the box next to Transfer leads to Third-Party Application.
You will enable this box later on during setup. - Open up a new browser tab and window, then proceed to Part 3: Step 1.
Part 3: Setup Zapier Trigger
Before you begin, make sure that you have received an invite to use the eTrigue-Zapier Integration. When you receive the invitation email, click on the link provided. If you have not received your invitation, contact your eTrigue account manager to receive an invitation.
After you have accepted the invitation:
- Log into your Zapier account:
- Click on the Create Zap button in your left-side navigation pane.
- In the Trigger window, search for eTrigue as your app and choose version (1.0.0).
- Under Event, choose New Lead, then click Continue.
- Under Account, choose connect Next, choose connect to a new account. When prompted, enter in the Account and Authentication Key found earlier in Part 2: Step 6.
After entering both those values, choose Yes to connect eTrigue with your Zapier account.
- Under Test, choose Test trigger when prompted. If you receive a message that says "no leads are found", you can ignore the warning and click Skip test and hit Continue.
The next set of steps involve choosing your application that eTrigue is connecting with and setting up the action to be taken when eTrigue sends a lead over to your application.
Refer to the table below to find your connecting application.
Application Steps Salesforce - Choose Salesforce as your application.
- Under Event, choose Find Record.
- Under Account, sign/in or connect with the Salesforce user account that eTrigue will use to create leads in Salesforce. When prompted, provide the user credentials and choose Yes to allow the connection.
- Under Action, configure the following:
- Salesforce Object = Lead
- Field to Search By = Email
- Search Value = eTrigue's Email address field
- Create Salesforce Record if it doesn't exist yet should be checked.
- Choose Salesforce as your application.
- This next step involves mapping the fields between eTrigue and your application.
Zapier will display the fields that it detected from your connected application (e.g. Salesforce).
Below each field, you must choose the corresponding eTrigue field. For example, if Zapier displayed the "Last Name" field, then the appropriate eTrigue field could be "Last Name".
You do not need to map every field that Zapier detected, but it is recommended to map fields that are valuable for your lead flow and campaign ROI. In many cases, companies like to map at the minimum:
First Name | Last Name | Title | Email Address | Address | City | State | Zip | Country
Here is an example screenshot that shows a user choosing the eTrigue fields for Last Name, First Name, Title, and Company (the user chose not to map their Salutation field by leaving it blank).
- Under Test action, click Test to send a test lead to your application. This step can be skipped.
- Publish the Zap when finished.
Part 4: Enable the Outgoing Integration in eTrigue
- Log into your eTrigue account.
- Go to Partners. Next, open your partner then go to Settings > Integration.
- Under Outgoing Integration Settings, check the box next to Transfer leads to Third-Party Application.
- Next, choose which leads you want to send to your connected app.
Toggle to All Leads if you want eTrigue to send over each lead that it detects.
Toggle to Leads for Specific MQL Types if you want eTrigue to send only specific MQLS.
- Click Save when finished.